5 Must Do's for a First Time Gun Owner
Getting into firearms is different for everybody. There is no one size fits all, and everyone is on their own journey of firearms ownership. As Maxon Shooter's Supplies newest addition to its staff, I’m discovering the complexities of the firearms industry and the importance of responsible gun ownership. Here are some of the most important questions and lessons I have learned during my time here at Maxon.
Invest In Your Firearms Education
Maxon has made big investments into their firearms education. We offer a large catalog of different class options that can definitely help you feel more confident in your usage of a firearm. I myself had only been to a range once. But after taking Basic Pistol 1, I am much more confident with guns. Not everything can be self-taught, and seeking out high-quality firearms education is important so you can be proficient. Which leads to my next point.
Decide What Gun You Should Get
Why do you want a gun? What skills are you honing with the gun? How much are you willing to spend? These are important questions you have to ask yourself when purchasing a firearm. Choosing a firearm is like picking out a car. What are you going to be the most confident with? And it is a good idea to get advice from someone who knows more than you about the subject. The last thing you want to do is spend money on something that you ultimately do not want. I personally spent around a month researching a firearm that I felt was right for me and aligned with what I was trying to do, which was to learn how to operate a firearm safely and proficiently. This is a good start to owning a gun. Figure out what is going to work best for you.
Go to the Shooting Range
Learning to shoot your gun is like driving or learning an instrument. Practice makes perfect! All this time put into education and figuring out what firearm you want will be pointless if you do not practice how to use your firearm. I personally myself attend the range at least once a week to make sure I’m proficient. So take your gun and practice.
Safely Store Your Guns
If you own firearms, you are responsible for knowing how to properly handle your firearms and how to keep them safely secure. Now there are a variety of different storage options available.
- Cable Locks: All new firearms come with one in the case. They are extremely easy to use as you just thread the cable through the magazine well or revolver cylinder.
- Pistol Vaults: Combination locks or pattern locks are best. Biometrics are not reliable, which is why we don’t even sell them anymore. There are many viable options to choose from. The thicker the steel, the better. They are great to keep in cars and small locations such as a shelf or drawer.
- Gun Safes: A safe can be very good for not only firearms but also keeping any other of your valuables secure. These are truly the ultimate level of storage for firearms. There are options for varying levels of theft and fire protection and the price goes up the heavier and more secure it is.
Learn The Four Basic Gun Safety Rules By Heart
Finally, everyone who owns or works with firearms should know these four safety rules through and through.
- Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
- Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot
- Treat every gun as if it’s loaded
- Be sure of your target and what’s beyond it
If you train yourself to always follow these four rules when handling firearms you will keep yourself and those around you safe.
My firearms journey has really only just begun and I'm constantly learning something new. I am always open to share my experiences and insights and help other beginners navigate themselves in the world of firearm responsibility.
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Check this checklist offer by the USCCA for new gun owners