Dan E
Dan has owned Maxon Shooter's Supplies since 2015, and came into the firearms industry after a 20+ year career in commodity futures trading. In his own words, he got into this business because “I saw Maxon as a great opportunity. I liked what was already being done, but thought I could make it even better.” He is also the founder, and first president, of the Illinois firearms dealer association FFL-IL. FFL-IL was founded in response to relentless attacks against Federal Firearm Licensees by anti-gun and anti-Second Amendment groups, and they are dedicated to preserving the gun rights of all lawful Illinois residents by ensuring gun stores and ranges are not regulated out of business.
Safe Gun Storage for Parents & Legal Guardians
If you own firearms, you are responsible for knowing how to properly handle your firearms AND how...
Cook County Gun & Ammo Tax Rehearing and Injunction
Gun Control, News, Current Events
This week, our attorneys filed a petition for rehearing and and a motion for Injunction against...
Cook County Gun & Ammo Tax May Be Back Soon
Gun Control, News, Politics, Current Events
On October 21, 2021 the IL Supreme Court struck down the Cook County Gun & Ammo Tax on uniformity...
Cook County Gun & Ammo Tax is FINALLY gone! We won!
Gun Control, News, Politics, Current Events, Gun Laws
In 2012, the Cook County board passed a $25 per handgun tax, supposedly to “combat gun violence.“...
Why is the ammo shortage lasting so long?
And why is ammo so expensive?!The short answer: Economics, and a supply/demand imbalance.
The more...
Bad Reporting on Illinois Gun Sales by CNN
This morning’s report by CNN Business on Illinois Gun Sales Surging is very poor reporting. The...
Continuing The Fight To End The Cook County Firearms and Ammo Tax
Gun Control, News, Current Events
Update: 10/23/2021The Cook County Tax is finally GONE! As of 10/21/2021 the Illinois Supreme Court...
Marijuana In Illinois & FOID Cards | What you need to know
News, Politics, Current Events, Gun Laws
Recreational Marijuana is now legal in Illinois, and medical cannabis has been legal since 2013. We...
We have finished some MAJOR upgrades, come check them out!
The rifle range renovation is (mostly) complete!
There are some cosmetic details like re-surfacing...