How to renew your Illinois Concealed Carry License
The first Illinois Concealed Carry Licenses were issued around this time in 2013. This means there is going to be an influx of Illinois Concealed Carry Renewal applications flooding the Illinois State Police (ISP) website soon because all these licenses expire at the same time. Thankfully the renewal process has been streamlined on the ISP Firearm Services Bureau website at this link and that will be the easiest, and quickest method to use for CCL renewal applications. You should be receiving a letter from the ISP in the mail notifying you when it is time to renew, but it's a good idea to check your card and mark your calendar for at least 90 days prior to expiration, just in case.
What to have prepared for the application process:
- your Illinois Concealed Carry Renewal Class-3hr training certificate
- a current digital photo (color; from head to shoulders; no hats or sunglasses)
- a credit card to pay the $150 ISP application fee
- your ISP website account user ID, and password (see below if you have lost this information)
- a solid internet connection on a desktop computer per this note from the ISP website
DO NOT ATTEMPT WITH A SMART PHONE OR TABLET. Errors from mobile interface can result in application denial. Only attempt renewal within 90 days of your expiration date. Finally, please ensure your address on file with the Secretary of State is up-to-date because applications and SOS addresses MUST match.
If you are a CCL instructor listed on the ISP registry of approved instructors, you are exempt from the training requirement and simply select the correct exemption during the application process.
Tips for a successful renewal process:
- If you do not have a computer, you can go to your local library to use the computers and internet available there. If you are not familiar with computers and need extra help we do offer CCL application assistance for a $30 fee.
- The ISP Firearm Services Bureau revamped the online process a few years ago so some old login information may no longer be valid. If you have not logged into your online account recently, you may need to create a new account. A new User ID and email address MUST be used though because previously registered User IDs and email addresses will result in an error message stating the user ID or email address is already in use. If you do not have another email available to use you can create a free Gmail account here in just a few simple steps.
- SUPER TIP: if you do have to create a new User ID and email address the ISP website will automatically associate them with your old account based on your ID numbers. So you don't have to worry about having multiple accounts. Just be sure that as you are going through the application process your NEW email address is being entered along the way when prompted. DO NOT ALLOW THE ISP WEBSITE TO AUTO POPULATE YOUR OLD EMAIL ADDRESS BECAUSE IT WILL LOCK YOU OUT OF YOUR NEW ACCOUNT.
- To apply or renew via a paper application, you must call the ISP Firearm Service Bureau and request a paper application. The phone number to call is 217-782-7980. We do not advise this route though because due to the huge call volume they are receiving the chances of you actually getting through to a person are extremely small. Application through the ISP FSB website is the quickest and easiest way to apply.
Special note:
It is very important not to let your FOID or CCL expire. As long as you renew prior to expiration, your FOID and CCL will remain active during the renewal process. If you allow your FOID to expire, it will cause your CCL to be revoked and the appeal process to get it reinstated can be a very long process. If you allow your CCL to expire, the ISP is saying license holders will be required to take the whole 16-hr training course again (UPDATED 6/9/22) in most circumstances license holders will be able to renew with a 3 hour refresher training certificate.