Posts about Politics (5)
What Happened Last Week in Springfield
By Todd Vandermyde, Executive Director Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois
I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise.
This was published today in the Washington Post. Really! Much like Dr. John Lott, Ms. Libresco had...
Springfield Legislative Update - SB1657 Dealer Licensing
SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing:
Maxon's owner and the NRA's Todd Vandermyde were in Springfield for an...
Illinois Firearms Dealer Licensing Moves to the House Next Week
Despite a lot of hard work on the pro-gun-rights side, Amendment 1 to SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing...
Suppressor Vote Monday or Tuesday (1/9 or 10)
Thanks to all of our customers and friends who contacted their state Senators during the veto...